Parents' info evening regarding addiction prevention

Almost every tenth young person has already tried cannabis. Among young adults, use has even increased in recent years. But how dangerous is it to use cannabis? At what point does one speak of addiction? Parents in particular are often unsure about this topic in relation to their children. Many parents ask themselves: How do I react when my child uses cannabis?

As part of the regular parent info series, the Klax School invited the "Fachstelle für Suchtprävention Berlin" (Berlin Centre for Addiction Prevention) to a digital information event on the effects and dangers of cannabis on 27 January. After an introduction to facts and figures, advice was given on types of consumption, legal aspects and on consumption during the lockdown. It became clear: The younger the users, the greater the risks. It was also discussed how parents can behave and where they can get help and support. Afterwards, interested parents were able to ask the centre specific questions and receive advice.

We would like to thank the Berlin Centre for Addiction Prevention for their commitment and will be happy to arrange further contacts for information and support if required.

The Klax School offers interested parents several information evenings on prevention topics. The next event will be on the topic of digital media.