Reunion after the summer vacations: Our Encounter Week 2022

Wertegrundtag 2022 Klax Schule


The school year traditionally starts with a very special week at Klax School. During the encounter week, the students find their way back into everyday school life through interactive methods, get to know each other and their learning environment after the vacations, and grow together as a social community. Each day is dedicated to a special theme.

In the afternoons, the students of all grades get to know each other through common activities. This year, for example, the seating in the schoolyard have been painted, the flowerbeds were planted and the schoolyard was beautified.
The most "VALUABLE" day of the Encounter Week is Thursday. The learning guides and students use a morning talk about topics such as trust, acceptance and respect. They work out values and rules in the classes on how they want to learn and work together at school. In the afternoon, the class representatives present the results of the day in a large group and agree on a set of values. These sentences form the basis of values for the entire school community for the school year 2022/2023:


  • We enjoy learning and working together. For this we maintain friendly and humorous interactions.
  • We treat each other fairly and accept each other as we are so that everyone feels comfortable.
  • We respect each individual and listen to each other. This is how we create a pleasant atmosphere.
  • We trust each other and are honest with each other in order to feel comfortable in the school community. 

The highlight and crowning final of the Encounter week is the school competition on Friday. Teamwork is required, because the task can only be solved in the class community. This year it was all about music at Klax school. On the occasion of the new Music-Tech room, the students composed their own class songs. The students could decide on how to create the song. Content, technique and music genre could be chosen freely.
Congratulations to winning teams 2022/2023: Class 4a with their song “Die Schule fängt an” and class 11 with their song “Non perfection is human”. A big thank you goes out to all classes for their performances. It is unbelievable which grandiose results have been created. We are very proud of our creative artists.